Doric Lodge #28

  • Wisdom

  • Strength

  • Beauty

Clayton Jones Jr. , Worshipful Master


The Master’s Station


Letter of Acceptance

First giving all praise to the Great Architect of the Universe the giver of all good and perfect gifts. It is with the greatest of humility that I thank the Brothers of this magnificent Lodge for electing me as Master of the Lodge. A special thanks, also to all who have served before me, and that kept this magnificent Lodge moving forward; placing us in the position that we are in within the state, and within the 24th Masonic District.

This administration is here to serve the brethren, and community, and in keeping in the tradition of Doric Lodge No. 28 in all manner of Faith, Hope, Charity, and letting brotherly love prevail.

I would like to extend a special thanks to all who have mentored, assisted, and nourished my growth in Masonry since the beginning of my journey, and may I always endeavor to be mindful of the things I’ve learned as it pertains to being an upright man and Master Mason.